

rabbit hole

[ rab-it hohl ]


  1. a tunnel made in the ground by a rabbit; a rabbit burrow.
  2. Informal. a strange, disorienting, or frustrating situation or experience, typically one that is difficult to navigate: I have been down the rabbit hole of building a new home.

    I had a history of depression and occasionally fell down dark, deep rabbit holes from which only medication and therapy could pull me out.

    I have been down the rabbit hole of building a new home.

  3. Informal. a time-consuming distraction of one's attention as happens when clicking through online links, following social media posts, or pursuing information:

    After diving down an internet rabbit hole and poring over treatments, risks, and so on, she felt even more panicked.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of rabbit hole1

First recorded in 1660–70; rabbit hole def 2 was first recorded in 1935–40, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
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Example Sentences

With Big Eyes a lot of people, myself included, were glad to see you emerge from the rabbit hole that is the CG world.

“He was saying this could be a rabbit hole,” one House member told The Daily Beast.

And that is this sleazy rabbit hole in its most perfect summation.

If you ever go down that rabbit hole and start to read too many comments about you, it does make you very defensive.

Despite a spiraling rabbit hole of media quibbling about what Huckabee supposedly said, the basic gist of his remarks were clear.

Hugh Morgan, stop poking your foot into that rabbit-hole or you fall down it and we have to dig you out.

“I suppose it was thinking so much about that rabbit-hole of a place up at the Hall,” he muttered.

I found no opening in the face of the rock, except one—apparently a rabbit hole—near a rent in the boulder.

One morning during the siege, Bose happened to find a rabbit-hole.

But if you held a looking-glass up to it you would find that it is "Down the Rabbit Hole" written backward!



